Thursday, January 15, 2009

Along the Sea of Galilee

Today we went to the site where Jesus appeared to the disciples after the resurrection. (John 21). I could see that. I could feel that. I could imagine Jesus standing on the shore of the Sea of Galilee telling the disciples to throw down their nets - and they come up with a net full of fish. I could just imagine them around a charcoal fire right next to the sea and being amazed that this was the Messiah who had been crucified yet was here among them. It was a very powerful moment. And then we went to Capernum and saw the house of Peter and the synagogue where Jesus preached. The foundation of the excavated synagogue was there in the time of Jesus. It was amazing and very awe-inspiring.

The thought for the day for me came from an Orthodox Jewish woman who showed us around Safet, a town of Jewish learning and schools. "We are always in the presence of God." Just the way she said it was a good reminder that our lives are always open to God no matter how much we try to hide our inner lives from others and from ourselves.

Please continue to pray for the people of this land. There are still many divisions among the people here.

Diana Moore

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