Tuesday, January 20, 2009


We descended the Mount of Olives this morning with the Golden gate in full view as we approached the walls of Jerusalem. Along the way we visited the Garden of Gethsemane. There we saw olive tress that were over two thousand years old. I recalled that here was the place where Jesus contemplated his immediate future in prayer and ended that session with God with the affirmation, "not my will, thy will be done". Having surrendered his will to accept his crucifxtion, Jesus began his journey to the stations of the cross.

I was profoundly moved to see the olive trees in the grove where our Lord wrestled with his destiny. I was further moved by touching the stone that is believed to be the very stone that was in the garden on that fateful night so many years ago. I could have lingered for a day, feeling the human connection to Jesus' humanity in the common experience of discernment that sometimes leads us to surprising and yet compelling choices. Alas, our schedule moved us to enter the Golden gate where we visted the Church of St Ann, the spring of Siloam, and the final stages of the cross.

The tradition of St. Ann, the Virgin Mary's mother, was new and welcoming Christian tradition. The group sang several songs in the Chapel and visited the grotto where Mary was probably born in the lower lev

The most profound experience of today was the visit to the Church of the Holy Scpulchre where we walked the final stations of the cross. We touched the stone of Golgotta, looked in the scpulture of Christ, saw the place where the cross of the crucifix was found and so much more. At the end of the day I was a little overwhelmed that I had been to the stations of the cross in one day! I am aware that I will appreciate the stations of the cross and all this experience means to me and my faith for years to come. Today, I learned traditions that were new and welcoming. I look forward to our future exploration of the land of the bible.

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